Clever Title Goes Here

Security educator, researcher, and developer

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I’m Not Agnostic

For years, I called myself an agnostic. I had no evidence of any gods, but I didn’t have any evidence against the idea either. Labeling myself an atheist seemed too definite and closed minded; if I had no evidence of absence, then stating that there was no god was simply putting my head in the sand.

So what changed? Well, to understand that, let’s try a thought experiment. Do you believe in fairies? There are thousands of stories about them, entire encyclopedias devoted to them, and probably millions of pieces of art featuring them. Despite this, there’s absolutely no evidence that fairies exist, so saying “I don’t believe in fairies” doesn’t surprise most people. It’s the default assumption after watching the world for thousands of years and seeing nothing.

However, if a fairy appeared to you and a group of trusted friends, you would likely be pretty well convinced that they...

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HoloLens: A Preview of the Future

I’ve had the rare pleasure of living with the Microsoft HoloLens for just shy of two weeks now, and I say this with complete confidence: this is the future of computing, it’s just not a near future.

A little background on me: I’m primarily a software security guy, but I also program as a hobby, having long since burnt out on doing it professionally. My main machine is a Retina Macbook Pro which scarcely left my side until recently; my whole life exists on this machine. I also use a homebuilt PC running Windows 10, but that’s largely just been there for entertainment purposes until now, despite its prominence in my office. Up until I got the HoloLens, my Windows development experience largely stopped in 2009 or so, and I hadn’t really used Visual Studio since VS2003. So to say that I’m not a Windows guy is a bit of an understatement.

The HoloLens has been a lot of little shocks for...

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