Bounty Progress - April 2019

I have a few goals for my bug bounty work in 2019:

Goal Health #

Current total earnings for the year: $25329

This is 50.65% of my goal for the year. By the end of April I should be at $16666 to be on track, putting me $8663 ahead as of 2019-04-30

Lifetime Stats #

Bugs #

Other payouts #

Plan and Concerns #

Thanks to my wonderful wife, we’ve made a deal where I get a kid-free day on Sunday, which is now my bug hunting day. I will be doing at least 12 hours of hacking each Sunday, along with some little bits of hunting throughout the week.

Happy Hacking,

- Daeken


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The Transhumanist Party Needs STV

The Transhumanist Party is, by far, the political party in the US that best represents my own views for the future. They advocate for science, rights for all persons (human and non-human), ending the war on drugs, universal basic income,... Continue →